If you have not employed anyone before, but are considering this, you may be concerned at the complexity of registering and running a PAYE/NI system. Just contact us…
In routine dealings with the Inland Revenue and DSS, we act as agents for the majority of our customers. We apply for a PAYE reference on your behalf, using our registered office as the contact point for all routine communications.
We establish and operate your payroll on our system in the period which the Inland Revenue requires to produce their documentation. I.e. you can immediately pay your employees the correct net amount, with supporting payslips showing PAYE/NI deductions. (Your payment of these deductions to the Collector of Taxes do catch up with you in due course, however!)
If you presently running a manual system, just send all your current paperwork, and we will do the rest.
We should appear to be part of your organisation.